Who We Are

Canadians at PBP 2015

Randonneurs Ontario is a cycling club affiliated with the Audax Club Parisien, the parent organization governing the qualification of riders wishing to participate in the 1200K Paris - Brest - Paris Randonnee. The club is also affiliated with Les Randonneurs Mondiaux, which provides recognition for brevets other than Paris - Brest - Paris that are longer than 1000K. The Rocky Mountain 1200, Gold Rush Randonnee and our own Granite Anvil are examples of such events.

Read the history pages to learn about the evolution of randonneuring in France and the developement of Randonneurs Ontario.

To learn more about our club and its activities, have a look at the following pages:

What Is Randonneuring?
all about brevets, populaires, and group riding;

How Can I Become a Member of Randonneurs Ontario?
information about fees and downloadable member application forms;

Club Policies
As members of OC, all Randonneurs Ontario members agree to conform to the following policies.

       Mailing Address:
                        Randonneurs Ontario
                        P.O. Box 20,
                        Loring, Ontario,
                        Canada, P0H 1S0

Copyright 2024, Randonneurs Ontario

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