Concord Bradford 88
Concord Beeton Flat 100
Concord Beeton Hilly 100
Concord Belfountain 135
Erin Mills-Cambridge 150 PDF
Erin Mills-Campbellville 110
Erin Mills-Erin 130
E-Z Toronto Loop 92
Erin Mills-St. George 135 PDF
Erin Mills-Waterdown 110 PDF
Gentle Start 120
Giro del Toronto 80 PDF
Imperial Rouge 160
Jordan Ramble 100 PDF
Kleinburg-Tottenham 85
Lakes and Vines 160
Maple-Barrie 135 PDF
Maple-Barrie 150 PDF
Maple-Bolton/Caledon East 80/100 PDF
Maple-Bradford 70 PDF
Markham-Kirby 135 PDF
Maple-Newmarket 70
Maple-Schomberg 60 PDF
Maple-Thornton 125 PDF
Maple-Tottenham 120 PDF
Maple-Uxbridge 120 PDF
Markham-Leaksdale 110 PDF
Markham-Port Perry 120 PDF
Markham-Udora 120 PDF
Mono-Creemore Escarpment Surfing 100 (Gravel)
New Years 25
Oakville-Acton 120 PDF
Oakville-Campbellville 85 PDF
Oakville-St.George 140 PDF
Old Toronto 53
Rouge Ramble 60
Saddle Sister 34
Simcoe Centrury 165
The_Scarborough_Scramble PDF
Uxbridge Ice Classic 110
Bewdley Glutebuster 200
Big Chute 200
Bits n Pieces 200
Castle 200
Concord Orangeville 200
Concord Orillia 200
Gentle Start Erin Mills 200
Gentle Start Oakville 200
Grand River 200
Hills of Hockley 200
Loyalist 200 (Napanee Start) PDF
Loyalist 200 (Picton Start) PDF
Maple-Orillia 200 PDF
Mariposa 200
Markham Woodville 200
Mean Streets 200 PDF
M-H Roughstuff 200 PDF
Niagara Plateau 200
Niagara Ramble 200
Rockwood 200
Scugog Circle 200
Scugog Circle Urban Start 200
Six Nations 200
Tough Tour 200 Plus PDF
Tour of the Valleys 200
Udora-Uxbridge-Utica 200
Urban Start 200
Warmup 200
Waterfront East 200
Around the Bay 300 PDF
Carden Plain 300
Carden Plain 2004 300
Erin Mills New Hamburg 300
Hills Villes and Valleys 300
Kissing Bridge 300
Lakes and Vines 300
Maple-Conestogo 300 PDF
Markham-Lindsay 300
Pretty River Valley 300
Rice Lake 300
Concord Collingwood 400
Georgian Triangle 400
Mnjikaning 400
Oak Ridges Moraine 400
Old 400
Maple-Shakespeare 400
Belleville Loop 600
Haliburton Highlands 600
Huron Shores 600
Old 600 PDF
Punkeydoodles Corners 600
Tour of Southwestern Ontario 600
Wiarton Connection 600
Lake Ontario Lap 1000
Three Lakes 1000
Toronto-Ottawa-Toronto 1000
Big Chute 200 (Barrie Start)
Lake Simcoe 300 ( Barrie Start)
DW Oak Ridges 400
DW Conestogo Keswick 600
DW Markham Keswick 200
DW Carden Plain 300
DW Old 400
DW Georgian Wood 600
DW Woodville 200
DW_Oak Ridges Moraine 400
DW Haliburton Highlands 600
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